Give your dog the confidence it needs to live a happy and healthy life
Adopted a scared dog? Or working in a shelter, boarding facility, as a trainer or behaviorist and want to be able to help scared dogs better? Then this course is definitely for you. This online course is a step by step guide of how to catch, leash, and rehabilitate fearful dogs. With real life examples, videos and instructions it gives you a clear overview of what you need to do at which moment in time, walks you through the most challenging encounters you'll run into with fearful dogs and teaches you clear and simple ways to help a dog at any given time.
Liz helps fearful dogs all over the world, in homes and especially in shelters. Dogs that haven't been touched for years or never saw a human up-close. Learn all she has learned over the past 15 years in this very complete and easy-to-follow guide, to give the dog you want to help the best life possible!
Turn your fearful dog in a happy dog
Successfully helped on more than 3000 dogs and counting!